Late last week, a few of us started discussing ways we could help out local restaurants that are devastated by the COVID crisis. My friend Michelle came up with the brilliant idea to raise money to buy gratitude meals for first responders, to help express just some of our thanks for the work they’re doing and will do.
I think a lot of people want to help in various ways, and have lots of different constraints (financial, time, movement, etc.) I thought it’d be helpful to have a place where people who do have a desire to reach out have a good place to share ideas and be inspired. We’re calling the all-volunteer organization #bigthanks. It’s about putting gratitude into action. It’s available at
Yesterday we delivered hot meals to 200+ health care workers and 100+ first responders.
Today we feed another 50+ in the El Centro de la Raza community on Beacon Hill.
Through the generous support of a handful of donors, we’ve raised over $4,000 so far to help support a second-generation downtown restaurant, their kitchen staff and other food service workers in town: some much needed revenue.

We’re learning a lot about how to do this, particularly how to do this in a responsible, socially-distanced and safe way.
#bigthanks is a hashtag that’s about turning our gratitude into productive action. We’d love to hear your ideas.
Please join us at